What’s up, gang. Listen we’re trying something new this month. Typically I’m a slow starter when it comes to new social media tools, but I’m trying to get in front of this new one called Thunderclap, and utilize it to help us get my new novel TEXAS CHAINSAW MANTIS onto the top 100 horror sellers list on Amazon. In other words, I’m making a “Buy Chainsaw Mantis Day”.
All Thunderclap does is use our Facebook or Twitter accounts (totally for free) to blast out a message all at once from all our backers at the same time on the same day. It’s totally safe to let FB and Twitter use your account for Thunderclap. It’s legit. Click here to back our post.
And we’re going to use it to direct all our friends and followers to KevinTheStrange.com on January 20th at the exact same time to a page that will link them to buy the book. THAT’S REALLY ALL IT IS!
The only catch is on my end. If I don’t get 100 backers (again for FREE) by noon on the 20th, our campaign will fail and the message won’t get blasted out on social media. We’re already 38% backed, but we really REALLY need your help to get the remaining backers so our plan works.
I’m super proud of this book and getting into the top 100 horror books on Amazon will put it in front of a LOT more eyeballs than it is right now. Again, this is no cost to you. You’re just letting Thunderclap blast a message out using your social media. No catch.
And you help me push my book to Amazon readers! Isn’t that awesome? So let’s get this thing moving, gang! Share this post and share the Thunderclap link, and if you haven’t backed the campaign yet, PLEASE do so now by clicking the pic below! Thanks a bunch!!!