Kevin Strange’s Corona Fiction Sale!

Well, gang, it seems like the Orwellian Coronavirus lockdown ain’t gonna end till our entire economy and way of life is obliterated and we’ve been reduced to raving packs of biker cannibals mutated into unrecognizable beasts by unchecked nuclear radiation.

So in celebration of the inevitable end of the world, we’re putting some of our best and most popular apocalyptic fiction on sale for only 99 cents because we know ain’t nobody working and ain’t nobody got any money!

For a limited time, snatch up these Kindle copies of the BEST of the Strange Fiction catalog for only a buck!

Texas Chainsaw MantisClick to buy

Beetle BrainClick to buy

I Died In A Bed Of RosesClick to buy

McHumansClick to buy

Vampire Guts In Nuke TownClick to buy

Strange Bless America 35% Off Paperback Sale!

Strangeheads! You know how much we love FREEDOM in Strangeville! The 4th of July is one of our favorite holidays. We may be slobbering weirdos but we’re AMERICAN slobbering weirdos!

As such, we’re PROUD to once again bring you the STRANGE BLESS AMERICA 4th of July sale at KevinTheStrange Dot Com! This year, we’re upping the ante and offering our loyal Strangeheads 35% off our ENTIRE print book collection at our Square Store!

Just click the above link and type in STRANGEBLESS at checkout to get 35% off your order now thru Sunday, July 8th!

That’s 35% off individual signed and personalized paperbacks from the entire Kevin Strange Fiction back catalog and including our newest releases BEETLE BRAIN and I DIED IN A BED OF ROSES!

But that’s not all! Our bundle sales which already offer our loyal readers incredible discounts for buying in bulk are ALSO ELIGIBLE for the 35% off sale! There’s never been a better time to support Strangeville, gang. What are you waiting for? Click here and type in STRANGEBLESS at checkout to Celebrate some motherfucking freedom NOW!

TODAY is #BuyKevinStrangeDay!


Click Here for 35% off paperbacks | Click here for 99 cent Kindle books

Gang! Earlier this year, I ran a hugely successful campaign called #FreeKevinStrangeDay wherein I gave away every single book in my catalog on Kindle for free for one day only.

Thousands of you participated and kicked off what will continue to be an annual event that will only get bigger and better every year. But another thing I’d like to do every year, a balancing of the universe if you will, is #BUYKevinStrangeDay.

A day once a year where I put huge discounts on all my books and, yep, you guys buy the shit out of them! This year it’s going to be TODAY! Black Friday, November 25. All of my Kindle eBooks have been discounted to 99 cents, and all of my Square Store paperbacks (including the brand new Mini StrangeBook Bundle!) are 35% off the normal cover price. That’s a hell of a deal for some weird fiction!

Remember to type in the code BUYKEVINSTRANGE at checkout at the Square Store. Keep in mind, too that the 35% off code works with the bundle deals. That means that normally the 3 for $30 pack is only $19.50 today! The 5 for $40 and 10 for $75 deals are also discounted so bulk up on your Strange Fiction, gang!

For you digital dudes who prefer Kindle books, there’s no need for a discount. They’re all already marked 99 cents.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank each and every one of you weirdos for encouraging me on this STRANGE thing I call a career. I could not and would not do this without your support. As a thank you for buying my books today, I promise you that next year’s #FreeKevinStrangeDay will be even bigger, even crazier and even more of a success than this year!

Happy Holidays and happy shopping, gang. STAY STRANGE!