Strange Bless America 35% Off Paperback Sale!

Strangeheads! You know how much we love FREEDOM in Strangeville! The 4th of July is one of our favorite holidays. We may be slobbering weirdos but we’re AMERICAN slobbering weirdos!

As such, we’re PROUD to once again bring you the STRANGE BLESS AMERICA 4th of July sale at KevinTheStrange Dot Com! This year, we’re upping the ante and offering our loyal Strangeheads 35% off our ENTIRE print book collection at our Square Store!

Just click the above link and type in STRANGEBLESS at checkout to get 35% off your order now thru Sunday, July 8th!

That’s 35% off individual signed and personalized paperbacks from the entire Kevin Strange Fiction back catalog and including our newest releases BEETLE BRAIN and I DIED IN A BED OF ROSES!

But that’s not all! Our bundle sales which already offer our loyal readers incredible discounts for buying in bulk are ALSO ELIGIBLE for the 35% off sale! There’s never been a better time to support Strangeville, gang. What are you waiting for? Click here and type in STRANGEBLESS at checkout to Celebrate some motherfucking freedom NOW!