Kevin Strange’s Twitter Horror Stories Week 2

We’re back with another week’s worth of Kevin Strange Twitter horror stories, gang! This week we want to change things up and make this a little more interactive. This week, we’re adding a poll to the post so YOU can choose which Kevin Strange Twitter horror story is the best!

All you have to do is read through this week’s stories and then scroll back up to the poll and choose which one is your favorite. That simple! Let us know, gang. Which Twitter horror story is the best this week?!

[poll id=”3″]

  • Story 01: “Lilly’s fear created things. For daddy, she made a thing that ate his brain spark but left his soul intact. Lilly isn’t scared anymore.”

  • Story 02: “Max knew he’d made a mistake returning to the pond that night. The red eyes didn’t scare him. It was that they were chanting his name.”

  • Story 03: “Gosh,” Mary said, laughing sadistically. “When I wished for the stars to fall, I never expected them to burn up all the other people.”

  • Story 04: “Taking control of the man’s meat-body was easier than Conrad expected. Now if he could only figure out how to make it stop bleeding…”

  • Story 05: “Thad reached through the machine vortex, unaware that the hand clutching his shoulder, keeping him from falling into the abyss was his own.”

  • Story 06: “Dementia didn’t stop Jill from enjoying life. In fact, it was the only thing that stopped the ghosts in her head from killing anyone else.”

Story 07: “The time machine took TJ to a place he never thought possible. He dropped the knife, sat next to his dying father and prayed for oblivion.”

Kevin Strange’s Twitter Horror Stories Week 1

A few years back I played with the idea of writing a one to two sentence horror story on Twitter every day. It was extremely challenging trying to tell a whole story in such a short space, but I had a lot of fun doing it.

I came across my Word file containing all of those old stories this week, so I decided to post them, and add some new ones. I could probably write a Twitter horror story every day indefinitely, and I’m going to try, for a while anyway.  I hope you like them!

Here’s the first week of Kevin Strange’s Twitter horror stories:

  • 1. After the 8th was born, the woman quieted, her task done. The father-thing placed the creatures back inside that they may feed and grow.

  • 2. After the ninth and last planet went cold and dark, the galactic council was forced to concede that the Godchild had indeed abandoned them.

  • 3. Jack made a huge mistake. When he burned the bodies of the crash victims, he forgot to cover their mouths. Now they scream through his.

  • 4. In the closet, Jill willed her heart to quiet down. But the imp didn’t hunt by sound. It was drawn to her hatred of her husband next to her.

  • 5. College seemed like the right place for Ann to make new friends. It was. She talked to the jars full of tongues every morning before class.

  • 6. As the final seal was broken, Katie shed her people-skin. The surprise on their faces tasted nearly as good as the flesh on their bones.

  • 7. Nine dead children stood in the doorway to little brady’s room at the hospital. He wasn’t scared, though. All of them had his face.

Check back next week for 7 fresh Twitter horror stories, or follow me @KevinTheStrange to see them posted every day!

New Kevin Strange Story “Spiderfuck: an End of Life Memoir” published on the NBAS Blog

Gang! New BizNBAS_2015arro Author Series class of 2015 writer Betty Rocksteady is holding a super cool promotion over at the official NBAS blog. She’s publishing spider romance microfiction for the entire month of July to promote her NBAS book, Arachnophile.

Never one to pass up the opportunity to write weird smut, I sent a little 500 word number called “Spiderfuck: an End of Life Memoir” over there and it was published today along with ten other smutty little spider stories. Check out my new little weird story along with all the rest by clicking right here.

Till next time, gang. Stay STRANGE!