Win a Free Copy of Kevin Strange’s COMPUTERFACE!


Post election blues got you down, gang? Fret not! The Strange One’s got you covered! It’s now pretty much a given that our robot overlords are going to be coming for us any day now. Get hip to the jive by snatching up a FREE paperback copy of Kevin Strange’s post-apocalyptic sci-fi novella COMPUTERFACE!

All you gotta do to win is click here to sign up for the giveaway on good ole Goodreads and you might just be one of the ten lucky robot apocalypse survivors to get this handy survival guide!

The giveaway runs from today thru Saturday the 19th. That’s only 8 days, so get your robot hunting butts over there and sign up now, before the drone-bots snatch you up and stick you inside their barrel chests!

Win a FREE copy of my new book!

Gang! My birthtoxicwaste194x300-1day is coming up in two weeks and I can’t think of a better gift than spreading ALL THE TOXIC WASTE FROM MY HEART from me to you!

So I’m giving away ten copies of my new short story collection over on Goodreads!

Already bought it? Ain’t no thang! Enter anyway and give your extra copy to the girl you’ve had eyes on for a hot minute. Show her your weird ass taste in literature to make yourself seem deep and cultured or some shit.

Or better yet, give your extra copy to her boyfriend to scare that motherfucker off so you’ve got a clear shot a that fine little ass. Whatever the case, don’t let the fact that you already copped a copy of the damn thing stop you from trying to win yourself another one.

All you gotta do is follow this link over to Goodreads, enter up and wait a few days to find out if you’re the lucky winner. And if you lose? Fuckin’ buy another copy anyway because I’ve got 6 kids to feed (who all happen to be fake plastic skeletons I bought from Wal-Mart, but that’s beside the point) and your money looks WAY better on me than it does you!

Win a FREE copy of Kevin Strange’s Texas Chainsaw Mantis!

Chainsaw-Mantis-Colored5-194x300 (1)Gang! The promotional machine for my new novel TEXAS CHAINSAW MANTIS is in full swing and copies are flying off the virtual shelves! Reviews are coming in and the consensus is clear. This is one of the WEIRDEST books I’ve ever written and that’s saying something considering my catalog.

If you’re still on the fence about scooping this new one up, your indecisive ass is in luck! We’re giving away a few paperback copies over on the ole  If you don’t know what Goodreads is all about, it’s a social networking site for book lovers. You can add your favorite books, rate them, review them and share that shit with your book buds.

Another cool part about it is us author types can hold contests and whatnot to give away promotional copies and other swag. So that’s what I’m doing. Get on over there and sign up! And if you’ve already picked up the book piece, be sure to rate and review that sucker on Goodreads AND Amazon!

Thanks for all your support, gang! I’ll have some big news on a TEXAS CHAINSAW MANTIS book signing tour coming up in the next few days. Look for that, and good luck winning yourselves a free book you cheap asses! 😉