Gang! It is an honor and a privilege to announce that I’ve been selected as the Goodreads Bizarro group author of the month for January 2015! The first EVER Bizarro author of the month, I might add. They’re going all out over there, too. There are two group readings of two of my books, and an AMA at the end of the month, all of which you’re welcome to participate in! I’ll quit yapping and let Teresa Pollack, the official Bizarro fiction Goodreads group moderator, explain the deal:
From Goodreads:
Hello all!
Sorry about the total lag-ass job I’ve been doing. 2014 was a shitty year for me, which is still no excuse, but whatever. I’m gonna make 2015 my bitch, just you wait. This’ll be the best year for our group yet!
We’ll be starting out the year with Kevin Strange as our first ever ‘Author of the Month.’ As per our poll, we’ll be reading ‘Murder Stories For Your Brain Piece’ (…) and ‘Stranger Danger’ (…). Then, we’ll follow up our readings with a week long AMA! There are threads up for all of the different areas to do these various fun activities! And they’re all right here…BAM:… Let’s try and really blow this first ever author of the month thing out of the water, guys!
Next up is February. I put out some feelers and got some positive feedback on perhaps having February be the ‘NBAS class of 2014’ month. Instead of having one author, we’ll celebrate all three of the newest additions to the Eraserhead Press NBAS series. They’re all available for Kindle and Matchbook, so they’re relatively cheap. Being able to afford 3 books for one month is the only problem we’ve come across. Here’s a thread in which we can decide whether to do the NBAS thing, or stick with one author, and if we decide to do one author, we’ll have to figure out who it’ll be:…
Lastly (and super late) are our holiday reads. But, alas! There’s still time! Here’s the thread for The Human Santapede:… and here’s the one for Christmas on Crack:…
And so comes an end to the longest newsletter ever! Happy holidays (whatever they may be), and here’s to a super Bizarro New Year! Cheers!