Kevin Strange Appearing at HorrorHound Weekend Cincinnati 3/18-3/20 2016

Gang! B533199_10152125708363098_1611541533_nig news! Kevin Strange will make his first public signing appearance in nearly two years at this weekend’s HorrorHound Cincinnati horror convention taking place Friday March 18th through Sunday March 20th at the Sharonville convention center in Cincinnati Ohio.

He’ll be signing a VERY LIMITED quantity of his books at the TimO and Harley Show table all weekend long.

When we say limited, we mean he has as few as TWO copies of most of the books in the Strange catalog. BUT he will be bringing every available release in their new second edition Kevin The Strange Fiction formats INCLUDING his new novel TEXAS CHAINSAW MANTIS and the limited to 50 signed and numbered copies of his novella INSIDE AN ASSHOLE.

So if you’re a collector, we suggest getting to the table early on Friday to pick up your books. THEY WILL SELL OUT. For more information about HorrorHound Weekend, visit their website at

See you in Cinci, gang! Come help make this weekend even more STRAAAANGE!!!


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