FREE Strangeville X-Mas Comic!

Gang, in a year like this, with our technocratic overlords holding a vice grip around our collective throats with their ceaseless lockdowns and nonsensical mandates, we NEED some levity!

With that in mind, I’ve spent the entire month of December crafting a ludicrous new 30 page, black and white one-shot comic book called ROCCO AND SASPARILLA’S SICKMASTIME STORY and it’s yours absolutely free as a thank you for all of your support through the years.

This twisted tale follows the psychotic weed witch Sasparilla as she once again tries to thwart Santa from delivering Christmas. This time, she’s kidnapped ole Saint Nick, slaughtered all of the elves on Christmas World and sends her mental minion Rocco back to the Earthly realm to steal Santa’s magical Christmas bag. But that old pervert Santa still has a few tricks up his sleeve…

Download the high-quality PDF right now for FREE right here: ROCCO AND SASPARILLA’S SICKMASTIME STORY COMIC PDF

Need some more flavor beyond that? Well, I happened to livestream the entire comic making process over on my Facebook page and you can watch them shits all the way from the very first pencil page on through the very last inked page. Nearly 20 straight days of comic creation! Call me the pervert Bob Ross, bitch!

STILL not feeling the holly-jollies? How about watching the first appearance of ole Sasparilla in my 2010 feature-length film NIXON AND HOGAN SMOKE CHRISTMAS for free on Youtube??

C’mon! This is getting ridiculous! If that didn’t cheer you up, what will?? How about the second time Santa and Sasparilla had a little tussle? I’m talking about my bizarro novella THE WITCH WHO FUCKED CHRISTMAS! Read that FOR FREE right here: THE WITCH WHO FUCKED CHRISTMAS NOVELLA

That’s all I got for you this time around. If all that demented, perverted holiday freshness can’t cheer your ass up, nothin’ will!

Merry Christmas, gang. And don’t let the Man get you down this holiday season. Look on the bright side: We’re pretty much living in a cool techno-dystopian future. We’ll be Blade-running and slip-streaming and cyber-punking our way to rebellion any day now!