Happy Halloween from Kevin Strange!

10398558_71169678097_5531765_nGang! It’s here! The most powerful night for ghosts and ghouls of the entire year! HALLOWEENTIME! To celebrate, I dug into the fiction archives here at KevinTheStrange.com and pulled out a nice little horror story for your eyeball pieces to munch on! It was originally published last year along side some of my rad friends like The Sisters of Slaughter, Michelle Garza and Melissa Lason in an anthology called Wishes from Fireside Press. You can pick up the whole thing right here!

But I’m not here to sell you a book today. I’m here to satiate your sweet tooth for fucked up fiction! The Burning river is your free Halloween jam and it’s about a post apocalyptic world where a cannibal named Cockbiter and the rest of the poor, starving survivors try to locate a mythical river supposedly full of magical powers. Peep it for FREE below!!!

The Burning River by Kevin Strange


When I cleared that final hill, when I laid eyes on it for the first time, I dropped to my knees and wept.

The burning river.

After a time, I gathered myself. I trudged weak and weary to its bank.

I pulled off my gas mask. I pulled off my duster jacket. My bullet proof vest, my gloves. As I stripped before her, entranced by her majestic flow, I already felt naked.

Long before that day I’d lost my innocence. My pride. My ignorance. My pity. My compassion and empathy. I’d lost my fear, my longing. My honesty. My integrity.

My will to live was all that remained.

My group was twenty strong when we’d set out to find the burning river. Most of us didn’t believe in its magical powers, but we had nothing else. Had we stayed behind, we’d have died inside a month. We expected no salvation, yet had nothing to lose.

No comfort.

No food.

No clean water.

So we went. Toward the Burning River. Toward the cleansing. To the place where dragons pissed fire and men worthy of its power became gods.

(Click here to read the rest of the story in PDF format!)