I’m A Fiction Writer, Not A Social Commentator

So I’ve painted myself into a corner. My poll is easily 12 to 1 people are here to listen to my social commentary/anti-SJW/Pro-conservative political opinions.
Problem is, that’s not why I’m on social media. This was all a byproduct of my frustration with the artistic communities I participated in from indie film, to the horror convention community to the small press horror/bizarro community.
Every corner of my online experience became infested with toxic social justice/anti-male/anti-white sentiments until I could no longer take it and exploded into a fury of podcasts and website articles denouncing cultural Marxism, post-modernism and modern liberalism.
And I lost my fiction audience.
I never intended to become some alt-right provocateur. My intention is to make a living writing books about ultra-violence, monsters and weird sex. I just won’t allow myself to be told that I can’t “appropriate” cultures or that I can’t write black/gay/female characters because I haven’t “lived that experience.”
I won’t sit by while editors and publishers talk about how more “female and gay” voices need to be heard in small press publishing because that’s a dog whistle for equality of outcome I.E. “let’s publish less white men regardless of merit and talent.”
I won’t sit by and watch emotional damaged “feminists” destroy the careers and livelihoods of male writers just for making the mistake of flirting with them or speaking to them in a sexual manner when most of the “feminist” writers in question put their bodies and sexuality right up on front street for everyone to see.