Texas Chainsaw Mantis is now Available on Amazon!

Chainsaw Mantis (Colored)5Click here for the Paperback or Click here for the Kindle version

Today’s the big day, gang! The FINAL #MantisMonday of 2015! Did I push that to the last minute or what? TEXAS CHAINSAW MANTIS is here! The BRAND NEW novel by Kevin Strange is out! It’s live on Amazon! It’s in both print and Kindle formats for your preferred reading experience!

Synopsis: Praying Mantises have evolved into the dominant species on Earth, having wiped out humans years ago after a genetic experiment evolved the species into man-sized, super intelligent insects. But they don’t just roam the planet aimlessly. The Mantises have taken over our jobs. Kept the generators running, the oil pumping, and the economy in place.

They’re people, just like us …Except that they’re cannibalistic, blood thirsty nymphomaniacs who love biting the heads off their partners while they mate.

Matthew is a high school history teacher. He does his best to educate the young mantises and tame the savage side of their nature, until the day he comes home to find his wife ready to mate. Anyone who knows anything about Mantises knows that mating is a death sentence for males of the species. But when Matthew’s wife partially decapitates him during sex, he crawls out to the woodshed to die, only to find an old haunted chainsaw, possessed by the spirit of his home’s dead human owner, who just happens to be an occult sorcerer and serial killer known as The Growler’s Phantom. Now resurrected, Matthew vows revenge on his murderous wife, and her new husband Nicko as well as anyone else who gets in his path.

Part Texas Chainsaw Massacre, part Evil Dead, pray this mantis doetexaschainsawbanner02sn’t find you next!

Man it’s been a long time coming, bros. Almost 14 months between this new book and my last one. It’s been a rough year full of some SHITTY happenings, some great happenings, some loves lost, my heart broken, my bank account busted, my brain piece pushed to the limit emotionally and physically. But I toughed that shit out! I sat at the writing desk (or in that McDonald’s lobby) every day like a champ and I put words to paper, hell or high water.

This ain’t an easy job. Fuck no it’s not! Some days you have to force it, some days it flows easy as water and makes you feel like a god. But the demons always come after you at night. Am I good enough? Will anyone even read it? Are those awards and nominations and five star reviews a fluke? Am I a phony? Will they find me out?

Even as I release my NINTH book, I have these fears. It’s silly, I know, but it’s all part of the job of an author. A novelist. You sit with your art for months, over a year in this case! And nobody, NOBODY sees it but you! Can you imagine? Fuck it’s tough but when you’re finished and that sucker goes live and your fans start buying it, reading it, reviewing it! That’s a feeling better than sex!

What? No. No it isn’t. Not even close. 😉 haha But it’s still a GREAT feeling! And it’s here! TEXAS CHAINSAW MANTIS! My ultra violent bug sex love story. I hope you like it!



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