RTS 19: Is Lovecraftian Fiction Dead?

Kevin and Jeremy Hype next week’s live episode on Facebook which airs Saturday, May 20th at 8pm CST. They talk about finishing up the audio book recording phase of Kevin’s killer robot novella COMPUTERFACE (which can be purchased in paperback and kindle here.) Then Kevin rants about the connections between all the different books in his strangeville fiction universe.

The boys then talk about Kevin’s short story collection THE LAST GIG ON PLANET EARTH AND OTHER STRANGE STORIES (which can be purchased in paperback and kindle here) and how it was influenced by Kevin’s college creative writing class. They then introduce this week’s reading, a one-off stand-alone from the collection called A GLORIOUS DEATH.

After the break, Kevin talks about Lovecraftian scholar Robert M. Price’s excommunication from the Lovecraftian writing community. Kevin then reads aloud an email he sent to Mr. Price’s LOVECRAFT GEEK podcast, and then the boys discuss Bob’s answer to the email on Episode 28 of THE LOVECRAFT GEEK at the 28:30 minute mark.

After that, they hype up the live show one last time. If you want a chance to win free books, be sure to follow the Reading To Strangers podcast on Facebook at Facebook.com/KevinTheStrange.

With that, we’ll catch you on the live show. Remember, gang, keep reading!